Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Little Things.

I have been speeding through my past few weeks. Every day goes by on a rapid fire setting and before I know it, I can't even recall what was so special about that day. I don't recall learning anything or anything important happening. 

I don't know about you, but I strongly dislike feeling that. I don't like going through a day, just having it pass me by like it was just another breath. The feeling of coming away from a day not having picked up anything, or learned anything about life, the world or more specifically, God, leaves me feeling sick and dull. 

The Little Details.

Reading yesterday's Utmost entry was a great reminder. Chambers talked about how we forget about the little things; we don't focus or pay attention to the details sometimes, we deem the small things as insignificant. But Chambers notes that "Nothing in our lives is a mere insignificant detail to God." To quote more of Chambers:
"You no more need a day off from spiritual concentration on matters in your life than your heart needs a day off from beating. As you cannot take a day off morally and remain moral, neither can you take a day off spiritually and remain spiritual. God wants you to be entirely His, and it requires paying close attention to keep yourself fit."
Pretty much sums up my thoughts completely. We must actively focus on the details of a day. We must actively learn to discern that the small details of our days and lives are significant to God. God can and will use all things, big and small, to teach and admonish us. He desires to use all things to bring us to a knowledge of Himself. Never, never, never think that God's not working.

We need to practice listening to and seeking the Lord in the mundane and small things. It's easy to become jaded to the world, and God's power. It is completely in our freewill to choose whether to see an event as the providence of God, or just a random occurrence. But the more we choose to see even the smallest events as a random happening, it makes us more dull and unappreciative of who God is, and how powerful and gracious He really is. 

I often find myself forgetting that God is the one who has  the final say, this often happens when I don't spend a good amount of focused time reading the Bible or in worship in general. The focus gets put on myself and how upset or tired I am. I get mad at the small things and see them as obstacles instead of opportunities. 

Submitting to the Spirit of Christ in us is important in paying attention to the details. He shows us the Father's heart, and knows what's up. He wants to draw us closer to God. When we submit to Him, we find that the small things are important, the small details matter.God shows us His sovereignty and teaches us great reliance in Himself and as a result, grows us in wisdom as we bring before Him all things in our lives. 

Committing all things to God means throwing our complete weight on Him, trusting Him absolutely and acting. We must say: "I trust you, give me or withhold from me whatever you choose. Lord, what You will, when You will, how You will." And this applies to all things in our life, big and small, and God will work it for the good He intends. 
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths."(Proverbs 3:5-6) 

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