I believe in the prosperity gospel.
Let me show you why.We are exclusively made for the purpose of God.
This is why Christians "prosper".
This is why Christians overcome. Because we live in the purpose of God.
We live according to the will of God. Prosperity does not happen because God wants to see us happy, or because we asked for things in order that we might use them, even for "generous" purposes. Rather, prosperity looks like anything that God gives us (whether situational or material) that accomplishes His will. Prosperity's result is not with me getting what I asked and pleaded and harassed God for. Prosperity comes to fruition with the Gospel coming alive in me; with holiness being refined in me and with reconciliation to God by the work of Christ in me.
"Live long and prosper." Thanks Spocky |
Prosperity is about thriving. It is about flourishing in the good and the bad. Why? Because in each case the situations refine us; they are meant to bring about our holiness, they are meant to turn us towards God. The victory is not in overcoming sin (Christ already did that), or in the bad being taken away. The victory in every turn of events is about the spiritual life overcoming the natural life in us.
In each promise, whether it be Jeremiah 29:11, Joshua 1:9, Romans 8:28, etc, they speak not of earthly gain for its own sake, but gains or losses for the sake of the gains of the Kingdom of God. Spiritual gains. Spiritual successes. God's gains.
I believe in the Prosperity Gospel. As a Christian, I believe in the accomplishing of the will of God through me by the power of Christ in me. I believe not in my own prosperity, but of the prosperity of the Gospel of Christ.
I do not believe in a prosperity gospel that says the bad will go away when I beg God to take it away. I do not believe in a prosperity gospel that says I will get what I ask God for just because I want it. I am not saying "Don't bother asking God for things," ask, seek, knock, but don't be so blind as to think this one thing is the only solution to your desires. Keep your head and heart open. If anything, ask yourself, how does this thing I am asking for accomplish the will of God in me? God changes us through prayer, and not the other way around.
In truth, I do not fully know what is really good for me, but I trust that a good Father knows what is good for His kids, so I will ask Him what He has in store for me. Because a prosperity gospel is not prosperous in the least if it does not have for a result the prosperity of the Kingdom and purpose of God.
2 Corinthians 5:11-20 speaks about the gospel, in terms of 'The Ministry of Reconciliation'. It says that Christians are not Christians because they simply do good. Apart from Christ, nothing we do measures up to God's standard. Christians are Christians because Christ came to reconcile us to our Father in heaven. We are Christians because God wants us to be reconciled to Himself, and in turn, the love of Christ compels us to advance the gospel, to see its prosperity in the lives of others who also need the same reconciliation.
God promises us prosperity. He promises us victory and success. But in what? In conquering the natural life. In seeing His will be accomplished. Because as a Christian, what greater, richer joy do we have than in seeing our Father's will come to pass?
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